1 Haziran 2020 Pazartesi



Poster work and competition

 Introduce planets

We introduced the planet mars.


       Sky Atlas



Team Star Board

Constellation Binoculars

Webinar - Dr. TANSU DAYLAN


Astrolabe Make (Usturlab)

Famous Astronomers

Who is HYPATIA ?

Hypatia was a Hellenistic Neoplanist  philosopher,
astronomer and mathematician. She lived in
The Alexanderian School was renowned at the time for its
philosophy, and Alexandria was regarded as second only to
Athens as the philosophical capital of the Greco-Roman world.

History of Astronomy

 Definition of astronomy:
Astronomy is the study of the sun, moon, stars, planets, comets, gas, galaxies, gas dust and other non Earthly bodies and phenomena...
Historically, astronomy has focused on observations of heavenly bodies 1473-1543. Astronomer and father he heliocentric(Sun-centered) theory of the Solar System, commonly known as the Copernican system. Considered today to be the father of modern astronomy, Nicolaus Copernicus was born on Februrary 19,1473 in Torun, Poland.
The Ancient Greeks developed astronomy, which they treated as a branch of mathematics, to a highly sophisticated level. The first geometrical, three-dimensional models to explain the apparent motion of the planets were developed in the 4th century BC by Eudoxus of Cnidus anda Callippus of Cyzicus.
One of the ways astronomers have long changed the field is by collecting more light, allowing them to peer deeper into space. This has required tlescopes with greater light gathering power and subsequently, larger diameters. 
So astronomy may be reaching the maimum size of telescope that can reasonably be built.

New Year Messages

Our partner Agnieszka Samborek's new year message and ours


2020 New Year Calendar

Calender of May in 2020

Planets Mind Map


Sun Clock

Women's Day In Science

      Space Woman


e-safety Day

1. Keep personal information professional and 
2. Keep your privacy settings on.
3. Practice safe browsing.
4. Make sure your internet connection is secure.
5 Be careful what you download.
6. Choose strong passwords.


Planets And Stars Compete


Let's Fun Together


COVID 19-Stay At Home

     COVID-19 Public Spot

-Do not enter the room of the isolated person without a mask.

-If possible, it should not be visited to health centers due to the high number of patients,

-Health officials should be contacted by opening the phone.

-In cases where it is necessary to go to the health institution, contact with other patients should be minimized.


The Certification


 BANDIRMA BİLİM VE SANT MERKEZİ Thank you for great cooperations