COVID-19 is a disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. COVID-19 stands for Corona Virus Disease 2019. SARS-CoV-2 virus belongs to the family Coronaviridae. Corona means "Crown" in Latin. Coronaviridae family named by the 'spikes' that they have. The spikes make the viruses look like they have a crown. SARS-CoV-2's symptoms are fever, cough that comes along with breathing problems, headaches and sore throat are also reported for some cases. As far as we know, it has symptoms which are similiar to flu. But some critical situations can give place to pneumonia which makes SARS-CoV-2 deadlier than seasonal flu.
SARS-CoV-2 or as it's first name 2019-nCoV was identified in Wuhan, China. It caused an outbreak in Wuhan and other states in China. A bunch of people who mostly had a contact with Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market got pneumonia. On 10 January 2020 China announced the very first death by SARS-CoV-2 and confirmed 41 infected people. The Health Ministry of Turkey set up the Coronavirus Scientific Advisory Board at that time. On 22nd of January, 571 infected people and 17 deaths in China was confirmed. Wuhan government announced that all citizens must wear face masks in public facilities. Wuhan was put under a lockdown on 23rd of January. Just before the lockdown, about 300.000 people left Wuhan with the train only. All kinds of transportation was suspended. And then transportation system in Huanggang and Ezhou got suspended as well. Also there were cases in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Thailand, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, the USA and Canada by that date. On 24th of January, the Health Ministry of Turkey put thermal cameras to the airport gates for Chinese people. Then they extended the area for thermal cameras and started to scan people who comes from the countries which has a high rate of infection.
As the situation got worsened, countries closed their flights to China one by one. Turkish Airlines halted the flights to China on 31st of January. Also Turkey evacuated their citizens from Wuhan with a plane. Turkey's operation was successfully ended and none of the citizens were carrying the virus. They were quarantined for 14 days in Zekai Tahir Burak Hospital which was completely empty and ready for the people who were evacuated from Wuhan. 34 Turkish citizens, seven Azerbaijanis, seven Georgians, and one Albanian tested negative for COVID-19.
After a short time, Italy became the epicenter of the outbreak. The outbreak in Italy started with two Chinese people who were visiting Italy. On 31st of January, Italy closed all passenger air traffic between Italy, China and Taiwan. Spain and France followed Italy and they became the hotspots of the outbreak as well.
Turkey didn't have any cases of SARS-CoV-2 until 10th of March. At the that night between 10th and 11th of March Fahrettin Koca, the Health Minister of Turkey announced the first case in Turkey. WHO announced a global pandemic. 12th of March, the Minister of Education clarified that the schools would be closed until 30th of March. As soon as the case announced, lots of measures had been taken in public areas as well. The following week, entertainment centers, cafés and the other places where lots of people visits daily were closed due to risk of transmission.
The first death caused by SARS-CoV-2 in Turkey occurred on March 17, a week after the first case was announced. The government tightened the measures. On March 24, the government put a curfew for people who is 65 years old or older. The disease was mostly affecting people who is older and has a weak immune system. Then the curfew for 20 years old or younger people was put due to possible asymptomatic young cases which would infect older people. On 30th of March, the entry ban to the 30 cities which has a metropolitan status and Zonguldak for 15 days was announced by the government.
On 10th of April the Ministry of Interior announced the curfew which was put for the following 2 days. They announced it at the late hours of night so lots of people went to panic buying which was very dangerous for the infection rate. A few days after the curfew, the President declared the new curfew for the following weekend.
Now the USA seems to be the epicenter of the virus. The USA has 700.000+ cases and 39.000+ deaths. The main area of the virus in the USA is New York. 236.000+ cases and 17.000+ deaths is only in New York while Turkey has 82.000+ cases with 1800+ deaths.
COVID-19 which still has mysterious sides is a dangerous disease. You can be an asymptomatic case or you may have aggressive symptoms that can lead you to intense care or even death. The best way not to get infected is to avoid human-to- human contact and washing your hands with soap. If you can't find soap, you can disinfect your hands with disinfectors but that's not the best way to be clean, it's just temporary. You can stay at home and isolate yourself. If you are in a public area, you shouldn't touch your face. You can close your mouth and nose while sneezing or coughing with your elbow. If you have the symptoms or if you know someone with symptoms you can lead to the hospital.
Once we pass through these days, sun will shine for all of us. And we'll remember the ones that we lost on the way. If you or anyone you love is suffering because of COVID-19, stay strong and follow the rules. Trust the health workers.
Lift your head up to the sky behind the window, take a deeper breath and watch the stars. We'll be here tomorrow and then on and fight for the humanity.
Live life worth dying for.
- Muhabbet (Nuh Mehmet Baldöktü Anatolian High School)